Thursday, April 6, 2023

Lemon8 app for iOS: Auto-Generate Tweets from sharing City Specific Lemon8 Posts Have Dead Links

 iOS 16.3.1

Lemon8 app for iOS (version 3.9.1)

Date: 04/06/2023


Minor problem with the Lemon8 app and the auto-generate tweet that is created when sharing a Lemon8 posts tagged from a particular city.

There's a lack of a space between the #Lemon8 and the URL in the auto-generated tweet. This results in the URL in the tweet being inactive. 

This is easier to show than to describe, so take a look:

The Lemon8 app allows you to browse posts by city. Here's Denver. The arrow in the upper right lets a user share this...

Select the Twitter option from the iOS share sheet...

The URL in the Tweet is inactive (dead)

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download and Launch the Lemon8 app 
2. In the input box, search for a city (example: "Denver")
3. Click on a Location-tagged Lemon8 post
4. Select the city tag
5. Share the city tag to Twitter (using iOS share sheet)

Result: The URL in auto-generated tweets about cities is inactive

Expected: The URL in auto-generated tweets about cities should not inactive 

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