Monday, June 24, 2024

Costway app for iOS: App Store Links Lead to Mobile Website 404 Pages

 iOS 17.5.1

Apple App Store listing for the Costway app for iOS (version 5.3.3) 



Here's a problem with links that is specific to the Apple App Store listing for an app called Costway.

While using an iPhone, all of the links displayed in the Costway app's Apple App Store listing link to 404 pages. The links are redirecting the user to a mobile URL and to a 404. 

Head to the Costway App Store page. Scroll down...

Select the "developer's privacy policy" option...

There is not privacy policy to be found. If you look closer at the URL...

The URL ( is to a 404 error page. It should lead to the correct ( location. 

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Using an iPhone, head to the Apple App Store page for the Costway app 

2. Scroll down and select "developer's privacy policy"

3. Land on a 404 page

Result: The links on the Costway app's Apple App Store listing all seem to lead to 404 pages. This is specific to accessing these links in the App Store while using an iPhone  

Expected: the "developer's privacy policy" and "App Support" and "Privacy Policy" links on the Costway app's Apple App Store listing should always lead to correct pages 

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