Monday, March 3, 2025

WOM: Restaurant Discovery app for iOS: Google OAuth Consent Screen: Incorrect App Name of

 iOS 18.3.1

WOM: Restaurant Discovery app for iOS (version 2.4.0)



The WOM: Restaurant Discovery app for iOS has a problem. The WOM: Restaurant Discovery app has a Google OAuth screen. 

Unfortunately, on this Google OAuth consent screen, the app name is incorrect. Instead of displaying an app name appropriate to the app, an app name of: "" appears.

Here's a screenshot of how it currently appears:

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download and launch the WOM: Restaurant Discovery app for iOS
2. Select the app icon in the upper right of the screen
3. Select "Sign Up"
4. From the "Sign Up" pop-up menu, select "Google"
5. On the Google Sign in screen, note the app name of: ""

Result: The Google OAuth consent screen displayed by the WOM: Restaurant Discovery app displays an app name of: ""

Expected: An app name of "" isn't user friendly and doesn't provide relevant information to the end user

Select the "Sign Up" option...

Select the "Google" option...

Inaccurate app name of: ""

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