Sunday, February 23, 2025

Tampa Bay Federal Credit Union app for iOS: "Developer's Privacy Policy" and "Privacy Policy" links on the Apple App Store detail page lead to a PAGE NOT FOUND error message

 iOS 18.3 

Tampa Bay Federal Credit Union app for iOS (version 2024.033.0)



The "privacy policy" and "developer's privacy policy" links on the Tampa Bay Federal Credit Union iOS app's detail page in the Apple App Store lead to a PAGE NOT FOUND error message.

This error message is found at this URL:


It looks like this:

It's an Apple App Store requirement to ensure that these links lead to a valid privacy policy. 

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Head to the Apple App Store detail page for Tampa Bay Federal Credit Union 
2. From the Tampa Bay Federal Credit Union detail page scroll down to either "Developer's Privacy Policy" or "Privacy Policy"

Result: The "Developer's Privacy Policy" and "Privacy Policy" links do NOT lead to a valid privacy policy - they lead to a PAGE NOT FOUND error message

Expected: The user should always have access to a valid privacy policy from the links on an Apple App Store detail page for an iOS app 

Head to the Tampa Bay Federal Credit Union detail page in the Apple App Store

Click on the "developer's privacy policy" link...

Click on the "Privacy Policy" link...

Not a valid privacy policy. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Oman Air app for iOS: The "Developer's Privacy Policy" and "Privacy Policy" links on the Apple App Store Detail Page Lead to an Error Message

 iOS 18.3

Oman Air app for iOS (version 4.3.3)



The "developer's privacy policy" and "privacy policy" links on the Apple App Store detail page for the Oman Air app lead to an error message.

When these links:

Are selected, the user is taken to an error message, not a valid privacy policy.

This link: does not lead to a valid privacy policy.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Head to the Oman Air detail page in the Apple App Store
2. Scroll down and select either "Developer's Privacy Policy" or "Privacy Policy"

Result: Both the "Developer's Privacy Policy" and "Privacy Policy" links on the Apple App Store listing for the Oman Air iOS lead to an error message that states: "The page you are looking for has not been found"

Expected: The "Developer's Privacy Policy" and the "Privacy Policy" links accessible from the Oman Air iOS app's detail page in the Apple App Store should lead to a valid privacy policy 

Access to a valid and readable privacy policy from within the app store is an Apple requirement


Monday, February 10, 2025

PFCU OMAHA app for iOS: "Developer's Privacy Policy" and "Privacy Policy" links in Apple App Store detail page lead to a "404 PAGE NOT FOUND" error message

 iOS 18.3

PFCU OMAHA app for iOS (version 24.2.1)



The "Developer's Privacy Policy" and "Privacy Policy" links on the Apple App Store detail page for the Police Federal Credit Union Omaha (PFCU OMAHA) app for iOS lead to 404 pages that look like this:

This link: leads to a PAGE NOT FOUND error message. In December this was linked to a valid privacy policy.  

Please fix, as access to a valid privacy policy is an Apple App Store requirement. 

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Head to the PFCU OMAHA detail page in the Apple App Store 

2. Select either "Developer's Privacy Policy" or "Privacy Policy"

Result: The "Developer's Privacy Policy" and "Privacy Policy" links on the Apple App Store detail page for the PFCU OMAHA app for iOS lead to a "404 PAGE NOT FOUND" error message

Expected: Users should have access to valid privacy policy links in the Apple App Store 

Head to the PFCU OMAHA app's detail page in the Apple App Store

Click on the "developer's privacy policy" link...

Click on the "Privacy Policy" link...

Result is a 404 error page. 

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Mazuma Mobile app for iOS: "Developer's Privacy Policy" and "Privacy Policy" links in Apple App Store detail page lead to a 404 error page

 iOS 18.3

Mazuma Mobile app for iOS (version 2024.10)



There is a problem with the "Developer's Privacy Policy" and "Privacy Policy" links that are required on the Apple App Store detail page for the Mazuma Mobile app.

These links end up returning a 404 error page:

The privacy policy pages on the Mazuma Mobile app's detail page in the Apple App store lead to here:

This only happens from the Apple App Store detail page - the in-app links work as expected. 

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Head to the Mazuma Mobile detail page in the Apple Apple Store
2. Select either "Developer's Privacy Policy" or "Privacy Policy"

Result: The "Developer's Privacy Policy" and "Privacy Policy" links on the Apple App Store detail pages for the Mazuma Mobile app lead to a 404 error page 

Expected: Users should always have access to valid privacy policies from privacy policy links in the Apple App Store 

Head to the Apple App Store listing for the Mazuma Mobile app. This is located at:

Select either the "developer's privacy policy" link, or the...

"Privacy Policy" link seen above. 

It leads to a 404 error message. 

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Bōzt: Restaurants & Local Food app for iOS: Google OAuth Consent Screen: Privacy Policy and Terms of Service Links Take User to Inactive Bozt.bozt Page

iOS 18.3

Bozt: Restaurants & Local Food app for iOS (version 4.2.4)



The Bozt: Restaurants & Local Food app for iOS has a problem with the OAuth consent screen.

The "Privacy Policy" and "Terms of Service" links on this OAuth consent screen that is displayed by the Bozt app are bad - they lead the user on a dead link. 

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download and launch the Bozt: Restaurants & Local Food app 

2. From the Sign-in screen, select "Sign in with Google"

3. Select "Continue" to the pop-up prompt

4. From the Google OAuth screen, select either "privacy policy" or "terms of service"

Result: The "privacy policy" and "terms of service" links on Bozt's Google OAuth consent screen take the user to a dead link

Expected: The "privacy policy" and "terms of service" links on Bozt's Google OAuth consent screen should take the user to valid privacy policies and terms of service for the app. 

Open the app...

Select "Sign in with Google"...

Select the "Continue" option...

Click on either the "privacy policy" or "terms of service" links...

User is take to a non-working Bozt.bozt link.

Dairy State Bank Business app for iOS: "Developer's Privacy Policy" and "Privacy Policy" links in the Apple App Store detail page lead to a 404 error page

 iOS 18.3

Dairy State Bank Business app for iOS (version 24.2.80)



The Apple App Store detail page for Dairy State Bank Business has a problem. The "developer's privacy policy" and "privacy policy" links lead to a 404 error message.

Here's the 404 message displayed from this page:

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Head to the detail page for Dairy State Bank Business app

2. Click on the either the "developer's privacy policy" or "privacy policy" links

Result: The "developer's privacy policy" and "privacy policy" links on the Dairy State Bank Business app's detail page lead to a 404 error page located at:

Expected: The "developer's privacy policy" and "privacy policy" links on the Dairy State Bank Business app's detail page should not link to a 404 error message - should lead to a valid privacy policy 

NOTE: This does not reproduce with the related Dairy State Bank Mobile app. The Apple App Store rules state that there needs to be a working link to a privacy policy in the app store detail page for an app. 

Head to the detail page for the Dairy State Bank Business app in the Apple App Store. 

Click on either of the privacy policy links on this detail page...

The user is taken to a 404 error message. 

Friday, January 24, 2025

Phissy: Restaurant Organizer app for iOS: In-App Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions Links Do Not Work

 iOS 18.2.1

Phissy: Restaurant Organizer app for iOS (version 10.2.11)



An app called Phissy: Restaurant Organizer for iOS has a problem. The in-app links to "Privacy Policy" and "Terms and Conditions" do not seem to work. Selecting these options (which appear in a pop-up) do not take the user to either a privacy policy or a valid terms and conditions. 

Curiously, this only occurs with the "Privacy Policy" and "Terms and Conditions" links that are presented from inside the app. The equivalent links in Phissy's Apple App Store detail page work as expected and take users to valid Terms and Privacy Policy pages. 

In essence: the in-app options just do not work. There's no redirect out of the app a privacy policy or terms and conditions page. According to Apple's App Store rules: all apps must include a working link to their privacy policy, "within the app and in an accessible manner."

This is how these non-working options appear in-app:

Click on either "Privacy Policy" or "Terms and Conditions" does nothing - they do not take the user to valid and readable privacy policies or terms and conditions pages. 

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download and launch the Phissy: Restaurant Organizer app for iOS

2. From the "Welcome to Phissy!" screen, scroll down and click on either "Terms and Conditions" or "Privacy Policy"

3. From the pop-up select either "Privacy Policy" or "Terms and Conditions"

Result: The in-app Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions links inside of the Phissy app are not working - clicking on either option does not take the user to a valid Privacy Policy or Terms and Conditions 

Expected: The in-app Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions links inside of the Phissy app should always work. User should always shave access to the Privacy Policy

Download and launch the Phissy: Restaurant Organizer app for iOS...

From this screen, select either "Privacy Policy" or "Terms and Conditions"

The "Privacy Policy" and "Terms and Conditions" options do not work.