Sunday, November 25, 2018

Wayfair App - iOS - declining photo library access and then pressing on photo button will crash the app

Wayfair app for iOS (version 4.59)
Date: 11/25/2018


The Wayfair app for iOS will crash on my iPad Mini if I decline photo access and then click on the phone button. This is a rare one, as I frequently play around with this on every app that I download.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Download the Wayfair app for iOS
2. Launch it
3. Select the camera option in upper right
4. Decline photo library access
5. Click the button above "Try with a Wayfair Photo"

Result: The Wayfair app will crash if the user declines photo access, and then presses the photo button

Expected: The Wayfair app (version 4.59) should not crash if the user declines photo access and then presses the photo button

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Text on the “Cancel” and “Settings” confirmations buttons on Photo/Camera permissions page

ReadSelf app for iOS (version 4.22.0)
Date: 11/22/2018


The text on some confirmation buttons does not appear.

This is the text of the words "Cancel" and "Settings" on the confirmation buttons on the photos permission page.

Steps to reproduce:

Download the app > create an account
Choose something you’re interested in
After the “Personalizing your home feed…” animation finishes, select “Me”
Select “Reviews”
Select the camera option
Select “Don’t Allow” from the three pop ups

Result: There is frequently no text inside of the “Cancel” and “Settings” buttons on the photo/video permissions page

Expected: There should be text inside of the “Cancel” and “Settings” buttons on the photo/video permissions page

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Royal Farms Rewards - UI - Simultaneously tapping "Back" and "Info" causes to the top UI options to disappear

Royal Farms Rewards app for iOS (version 2.1)
Date: 11/15/2018


There is a minor bug with the Royal Farms Rewards app for iOS. There is an easy way to make a portion of the user interface disappear.

This is much easier to show than it is to describe, so please just take a look at the attached screenshots.

While this bug would most likely never occur in regular use, it is similar to other bugs that occasionally happen with other iOS apps.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download and launch the Royal Farms Rewards app for iOS (version 2.1)
2. Dismiss the notifications pop up
3. Dismiss the location pop up
4. Select "Skip" to get through the tutorial
5. Select "Continue as Guest"
6. Select the "View All" option to from the Rewards slider
7. Dismiss the pop up
8. From the rewards page, double tap simultaneously on "Back" and "Info"
9. User will be taken to a "Rewards Info" page with a "<Back" in the upper right
10. Select "<Back"

Result: There is an easy way to get portions of the top user interface to disappear from within the Royal Farms Rewards iOS app - this occurs when the user simultaneously taps on

Expected: Portions of the user interface should not disappear from inside of the Royal Farms Reward iOS app

Select "Continue as Guest..."

Select "View All"

Dismiss the pop up...

Double tap on "<Back" and "Info" at the same time...

The user will be taken to this page. Now click on "<Back"...

The top UI has now disappeared....