Sunday, February 9, 2020

Lomotif app for iOS: App crashes if the user attempts to use the Facebook option to create an account

iOS 13.3.1
Lomotif app for iOS (version 2.6.7)
Date: 02/09/2020


There is an easy to reproduce crash with the Lomotif crash for iOS. The app crashes after the user selects the Facebook option to create an account. This crash appears to occur 100% of the time.

Here's an image of the crash dump:

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download the Lomotif app for iOS
2. Launch the app
3. Select the profile option in bottom right
4. Select the red "Sign Up| Log In" option
5. Select the red "Sign Up" option
6. Select the Facebook icon in the bottom left

Result: The Lomotif app crashes if the user selects the Facebook icon to create an account

Expected: The app should not crash if the user selects the Facebook icon to create an account

Select the user icon in the bottom right...

Select the "Sign up|Log in" option...

Select the "Sign up" option...

The app crashes after the Facebook icon is pressed.

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