Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Lemon8 app for iOS: Twitter Account Creation Does Not Work

 iOS: 17.6.1

Lemon8 app for iOS (version 7.1.0)

Date: 09/04/2024


Lemon8 account creation is not working with the iOS app. There is a "Continue with X" option for account creation. While the other options all work, the Twitter option does not. 

Selecting this option results in the following error message:

Twitter account creation isn't working - hasn't worked for several weeks. This is the error message. 

Note: This problem does NOT reproduce with the Lemon8 app for Android. This also reproduced with the Twitter app removed from the phone. 

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download the Lemon8 app for iOS (version 7.1.0)

2. Advance to the home screen

3. Select the Profile icon in the bottom right 

4. From the "Lemon8 - Create account or log in" screen scroll down and select "Continue with X"

Result: It is not possible to use the "Continue with X" option to create a Lemon8 account using the Lemon8 iOS account

Expected: The user should be able to use the "Continue with X" option to create a new Lemon8 account using the Lemon8 iOS app 

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