Friday, August 30, 2024

ABPV America's Best Pics and Videos app for iOS: Share Sheet - missing Email image in the Suggested Apps area

 iOS 17.6.1

ABPV America's Best Pics and Videos app for iOS (version 10.3.11)

Date: 08/31/2024


Here's a minor problem that occurs from time to time with the iOS share sheet and some apps. This time it is happening with an app called ABPV America's Best Pics and Videos.

Take a look at the Suggest Apps area of the iOS Share Sheet when it is accessed from the app:

The Email option is missing an icon. 

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download and launch the ABPV America's Best Pics and Videos app (version 10.3.11)

2. From any video select "Share"

3. From the in-app share option, select the "... More" option 

4. From the iOS share sheet, scroll over an select "... More"

5. From the apps menu, scroll down to "Email"

Result: The "Email" option under Suggested Apps in the iOS Share Sheet is missing it's default envelope image 

Expected: The "Email option under Suggested Apps in the iOS Share Sheet should not be missing it's default envelope image 

Download and launch the ABPV app for iOS...

Select the "Share" option from any video...

Select the "... More" option here...

Select the "... More" option here...

Scroll down and look at the "Email" option - it is mysteriously located here and without an icon!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Denver Zoo Mobile app for iOS: A "here" Link Takes User to an "Oops!" Error Message

 iOS 17.6.1

Denver Zoo Mobile app (version 1.3.2) for iOS 

Date: 08/25/2024


There is a bank link inside of the Denver Zoo Mobile app for iOS. Once the user downloads and launches the app, they will be taken to a page that looks like this after they select "My Account":

As you can see, there is "here" link which should (presumably) take the user to a page that explains the changes that have been made to the app.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download and launch the Denver Zoo Mobile app (version 1.3.2) for iPhone

2. Select "My Account"

3. From the "My Profile" screen, scroll down and select "here"

Result: A link labeled as "here" on the "My Profile" area inside of the Denver Zoo Mobile app for iOS takes the user to an "Oops! That page can't be found" page

Expected: The "here" link in the "My Profile" area inside of the Denver Zoo Mobile app for iOS should not take the user to an "Oops! That page can't be found" page

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Olive Young Global app for iOS: Google OAuth Consent Screen: User Stranded as there is No Way to Back Out

 iOS 17.6.1

Olive Young Global app for iOS (version 1.3.6)

Date: 08/15/2024


Here's an unusual problem with a Google OAuth consent screen that I have not encountered before: an app called Olive Young Global has a consent screen which the user is impossible to back out of.

Take a look:

Absolutely no way to back out of this consent screen to the app. The app needs to be forced-quit or deleted. This is a terrible end-user experience. 

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download and launch the Olive Young Global app (version 1.3.6) for iOS

2. Select the "My" option 

3. From the Sign In page, select "Sign up with Google"

4. No way to back out of Google sign-in page

Result: There is no way for the user to back out of the Google OAuth consent screen presented by the Olive Young Global app - user is stranded on a consent screen. Exiting and re-starting the app does not return the user to the app 

Expected: There should always be a way (a visual cue) for the end user to exit out of a Google OAuth consent screen and back into an iOS app 

Launch the Olive Young Global app for iOS...

Select the "Sign in with Google" option...

No way to back out (no visual cues such as a back arrow) to alert the user how to exit. 

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Gumtree app for iOS: Google OAuth Consent Screen: Terms of Service link leads to a 404 Page

 iOS 17.6

Gumtree app for iOS (version 20.14.0)



The Gumtree app for iOS has a problem with the OAuth consent screen. The Terms of service link on Gumtree's OAuth consent screen leads to a 404 page.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download and launch the Gumtree app for iOS

2. Select "My Gumtree"

3. Select "Sign in"

4. Select the "Google" option 

5. From the Google Sign-in prompt select "Continue"

6. Select the "Terms of Service" link

Result: The "Terms of Service" link on the Google OAuth consent screen leads to a 404 page

Expected: The "Terms of Service" link on the Google OAuth consent screen for the Gumtree app should lead to a valid Terms of Service 

Select the "Google" option in the Gumtree app.

Select the "Continue" option...

Select the "terms of service" link...

A 404 page.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

101.9 The Keg app for iOS: App Crashes If the Privacy Policy is Declined

 iOS 17.5.1

101.9 The Keg app for iOS (version 8.17.0)



An app for iOS called 101.9 The Keg crashes every time the user declines the Privacy Policy. 

Please see the attached screen shots.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download the 101.9 The Keg app for iOS (version 8.17.0)

2. From the Privacy Policy page, select "Cancel"

Result: Canceling out of the Privacy Policy prompt at the launch of the 101.9 The Keg app for iOS crashes the app

Expected: Canceling out of the Privacy Policy prompt at the launch of the 101.9 The Keg app for iOS should not crash the app. 

Launch the 101.9 The Keg app for iOS...

The app crashes after "Cancel" is selected.