Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Lemon8 app for iOS: Twitter Account Creation Does Not Work

 iOS: 17.6.1

Lemon8 app for iOS (version 7.1.0)

Date: 09/04/2024


Lemon8 account creation is not working with the iOS app. There is a "Continue with X" option for account creation. While the other options all work, the Twitter option does not. 

Selecting this option results in the following error message:

Twitter account creation isn't working - hasn't worked for several weeks. This is the error message. 

Note: This problem does NOT reproduce with the Lemon8 app for Android. This also reproduced with the Twitter app removed from the phone. 

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download the Lemon8 app for iOS (version 7.1.0)

2. Advance to the home screen

3. Select the Profile icon in the bottom right 

4. From the "Lemon8 - Create account or log in" screen scroll down and select "Continue with X"

Result: It is not possible to use the "Continue with X" option to create a Lemon8 account using the Lemon8 iOS account

Expected: The user should be able to use the "Continue with X" option to create a new Lemon8 account using the Lemon8 iOS app 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Laurie Buckhout For Congress app for iOS: Privacy Policy Link In App Store Working Does Not Lead to a Privacy Policy

 iOS 17.6.1

Laurie Buckhout for Congress app for iOS (production version)

Date: 09/03/2024


Today I took a look at an app called Laurie Buckhout for Congress that is available to download from the Apple App Store. This app does not have a valid (working) link to a Privacy Policy in either the app store listing, or from inside of the app.

According to Apple App Store rules, "all apps must include a link to their privacy policy in the App Store Connect metadata field and within the app in an accessible manner. 

The Apple App Store rules regarding access to privacy policies are very clear. 

Here's what the app store listing looks like:

This is the Apple App Store listing for Laurie Buckhout for Congress. Scroll down to the Privacy Policy link...

Click on the "developer's privacy policy" link...

This is obviously not a valid privacy policy.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Head to the Laurie Buckhout for Congress app for iOS Apple App Store page
2. Scroll down to the "developer's privacy policy" and "privacy policy" links

Result: The "developer's privacy policy" and "privacy policy" links on the Laurie Buckhout for Congress Apple App Store listing page do not lead to valid privacy policies 

Expected: There needs to be working privacy policy links in the Laurie Buckhout for Congress Apple App Store listing