Sunday, September 29, 2019

Edmunds app for iOS: Error Messaging: Canceling out of Google Sign in results in uninformative error message

Edmunds app for iOS (version 16.6)
Date: 09/29/2019


If the user cancels out of the Google sign-in prompt during account creation, an uninformative error message appears.

An error message of: "The operation couldn't be completed. (org.openid.ap-apauth.general.error -3.)" appears.

Take a look:

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download and launch the Edmunds app for iOS (version 16.6)
2. Select the "Dashboard" option
3. From the "Have an account with Edmunds?" banner - select "SIGN IN"
4. Scroll down and select "Sign in with Google"
5. From the permission prompt, select "Cancel"

Result: An error message of "The operation couldn't be completed. (org.openid.ap-aputh.general.error -3.)" appears if the user cancels out of Google sign-in during account creation

Expected: A more user friendly error message

1 comment:

  1. Update: February 2020.

    This bug is fixed with the current version (17.3) available for the app store.
