Tuesday, January 14, 2020

RealSelf app for iOS: Opening up the iOS files app results in two Cancel options in search box

iOS 13.3
RealSelf app for iOS (version 6.2.2)
Date: 01/14/2020


Here's an odd one! This app happens when the RealSelf app opens up the iOS Files option to select a profile photo. This is not a very likely bug that anyone will encounter. Still, this little problem is the only time that I have ever seen this happen when opening up the Files app on iOS.

I'm tempted to believe that this is because the RealSelf app is doing something incorrectly when calling up the Files app.

This is easy to show - take a look:

This is the search of the Files app that is accessible via the RealSelf app. You have to look closely, but if you do, you will see that the "Cancel" option is duplicated. The usual, correct one, is on the right. A second, non-working one, appears inside of the search box, next to the microphone.

As a point of comparison, let's take a look at Rover, which has a similar entry into the Files app for uploading profile photos of prospective dog sitters:

Cancel button is not duplicated. If you click inside the search box...

The cancel button assumes the correct location to the right of the search input box and the microphone icon.

I've played around with a lot of apps, and i've always taken a glance at how (and wondered why) profile picture searches would need to call up the Files app for a photo. In all that time, i've never seen a bug with this behavior until now.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download the RealSelf app - create an account
2. Select "Me"
3. Select the settings gearbox icon in the upper right
4. From the "Settings" page select "Edit Your Profile"
5. Select the "Choose File" option under "Enhance your profile with a photo"
6. Select "Browse" to call up the Files app
7. Note the duplicated "Cancel" button

Result: Calling up the Files app UI from settings option inside of the RealSelf app results in a page where the "Cancel" button near the search input box is duplicated - appears to be unique to RealSelf

Expected: The "Cancel" button in the Files app UI accessible from the Settings portion of the RealSelf iOS should not be duplicated

Please see the attached screenshots.

From inside the RealSelf app, select the "Me" option and then select the gearbox icon in the upper right...

Select the "Edit Your Profile" option...

Select the "Choose File" button...

Select the "Browse" option...

Note the "Cancel" option is duplicated, with the white lettered Cancel option doing nothing - pressing it actually activates the microphone...

Unusual! Not sure if this is RealSelf's problem (which I suspect) or a problem with the Files app

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