Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Wayfair – Account Creation – Error Messaging – Confusing error message after entering in e-mail address with a trailing whitespace

Wayfair app for iOS (version 4.22.2 – 14565)
Date: 04/04/2017


The Wayfair app for iOS both doesn’t allow e-mail registrations with a trailing whitespace and throws up a confusing error message.

An error message of “Field ID email_address does not match the required format of EMAIL_ADDRESS for value…”

This is a confusing error message. Please see the attached screenshots.

Steps to Reproduce:
1.     Download and launch the Wayfair app for iOS
2.     Select “Register”
3.     Enter in a valid email address with a trailing whitespace
4.     Enter in a valid password
5.     Note the error message that states, “Field ID email_address does not match the required format of EMAIL_ADDRESS for value…”

Result: Cannot create a Wayfair account if the email entered is followed by a trailing whitespace – and the error message displayed is confusing

Expected: Email address with a trailing whitespace should be allowed and/or the error message should not be that confusing

Download the Wayfair app for iOS...

Launch the app...

Select "Register"...
Click inside the e-mail input box...
Enter in a valid e-mail address, followed by a space...
Register using an e-mail address with a trailing whitespace...

Confusing error message!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the nice bug report. We have logged this in our backlog to fix sometime soon. Have you considered a testing job? Your bug reports are very good. Check out Wayfair's current jobs and see if anything interests you https://www.wayfaircareers.com/
