Wednesday, October 30, 2019

iOS 13.2: Springboard:Microphone UI does not appear under Siri Suggestions after rebooting the device and then tapping on microphone

iOS 13.2 - Springboard Launcher
iPhone 8
Date: 10/30/2019


There's a minor bug that occurs when first using the microphone feature in the search bar located at the top of the Springboard launcher screen. After the user presses the microphone icon located inside of the search bar, the sound of the microphone is activated, but the UI of the microphone (the voice recognition indicator) does not rise up from the bottom of the screen.

This bug occurs after the user has changed languages on the phone or after the user has re-booted the device.

At first I thought that this had to do with the shortcut links that appear under Siri suggestions, after the user reboots the device. Now, I am not so sure.

This is difficult to describe, so please see the video attached to this Tweet. This video show what I am seeing immediately after changing languages on the device:

If this microphone option is working normally, this is what the user is supposed to see at the bottom of the screen:

This thing does NOT appear - which I would be witting to bet is a violation of whatever guidelines are requirements that all app developers must adhere to.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Change the language of the phone or reboot the device
2. Unlock the device
3. Head over the Springboard (only "Siri suggestions" is on screen
4. Click on the microphone option repeatedly
5. Note that no microphone UI rises up for the bottom of the screen

Result: The microphone UI (the voice recognition menu with keyboard and globe option) does not appear after the user taps the microphone on Springboard's search box after the user has rebooted the device

Expected: If the user reboots the device, this menu option should always appear

Here's one of two methods I have found to get this bug to reproduce 100%. Change the language of the device...

After affirming that you want to change languages, the device reboots...

On this screen, where there are Siri Suggestions, and then these links below, if the user taps on the microphone, it will make a sound as if the microphone is being activated, but the UI does not rise up from the bottom of the screen. If you look closely, it looks as if the UI is appearing under the links.

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