Thursday, October 31, 2019

Postmates app for iOS: App freezes after canceling out of sharing a restaurant via text

iOS 13.2
Postmates app for iOS (version 5.3.10)
Date: 10/31/2019


There is a minor but with the current (version 5.3.10) Postmates app for iOS. If the user has an unverified account (pending telephone number verification) the app will freeze after the user activates the share option and then dismisses sharing a text about a particular restaurant.

The app simply freezes. Nothing (as far as I can tell) will make the app responsive.

This is much easier to show than to describe - so please see the attached screenshots below.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download and launch the Postmates app for iOS
2. Select "GET STARTED"
3. Enter in an email address and password and create an account
4. Dismiss the "Add Address" option
5. Select any city ("Acton CA" for example)
6. Scroll down to any restaurant - view menu
7. From any restaurant's detail page, click on the "..." in the upper right
8. Select "Share"
9. From the Share UI, select "Messages"
10. From the "New Message" pop-up, select "Cancel"
11. Dismiss the Share UI

Result: If the user is browsing the app with an unverified account, the app will freeze, after the user selects a particular restaurant, selects "Share", and then opens and then cancels the pre-generated text message

Expected: The Postmates app should not become unresponsive if a user with an unverified account selects the share option from a restaurant in the app, and then selects and cancels a text message 

Open the app...

Select a city (Like Boise)...

Choose a restaurant...

Choose the "..." in the upper right...

Select the "Share" option...

Select the "Messages" option...

Select the "Cancel" option...

The app freezes for me, here.

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