Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Likewise app for iOS: Typo on sharing error message

iOS 13.1.2
Likewise app for iOS (version 5.7)
Date: 10/16/2019


There is a minor typo with the current (version 5.7) version of the Likewise iOS app.

If you download the app onto an iOS device running iOS 13, the Likewise option shows up as sharing option in the iOS's built-in share menu.

When you select the Likewise option from inside another app (say Pinterest or Trover) and try to use the Likewise option to share, the error message that is presented to the user has a typo. It is understandable that Likewise might not support sharing with various services yet, but Likewise is presumably responsible for the error message.

An error message of, "Oops. Our bad. We encounted an error. It's not you. It's us." appears. This should be amended to "encountered" if possible.

This is easier to show than it is to describe, so please take a look at the attached screenshots.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download the Likewise app for iOS (version 5.7)
2. Create and confirm an account
3. Open another app (like Pinterest)
4. Open the sharing option from an item in another app
5. Open up the other suggested sharing options
6. Scroll down to "Suggestions" and select "Likewise"
7. Note the error message

Result: There is a minor typo with a Likewise sharing error message - the word "encountered" is misspelled as "encounted"

Expected: Error message should be changed

From inside of an iOS app like Pinterest, select the share option...

Navigate to the "More apps" option...

Select the "More" option...

Select the "Likewise" option...

Typo on this error message.

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