Monday, October 21, 2019

Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department app for iOS: App freezes if you cancel out of social sharing

iOS 13.1.3
Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department app for iOS (version 2.0)
Date: 10/21/2019


There is a minor bug with the Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department app for iOS. The app seems to always freeze if the user either cancels out of social sharing or after the user successfully shares a link from the app.

I am continually getting this to happen with an iPhone and the Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department app.

This is easier to show than to describe, so please see the video in the embedded tweet:

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download the Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department app for iOS (version 2.0)
2. Launch the app
3. Select the "Settings" option in the upper right
4. From the "Settings" screen select "Share Our App"
5. Click on the "X" and attempt to dismiss the sharing UI

Result: The Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department app for iOS will freeze if the user tries to share anything from the app using the social sharing options built into iOS

Expected: The Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department app for iOS should not freeze if the user attempts to exit the social sharing options

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