Friday, May 1, 2020

RealSelf app for iOS: Share sheet - Dark Mode - Facebook Messenger UI

iOS 13.4.1
RealSelf app for iOS (version 6.3.1)
Date: 05/01/20
iOS device set to dark mode


Minor problem with the current (6.3.1) version of the RealSelf app for iOS.

The RealSelf app has the same problem that numerous other apps have. This problem is with the iOS Share Sheet.

This is how the RealSelf app displays the Facebook Messenger sharing dialog with the iOS device set to the dark mode:

When you compare it to how the RealSelf app displays this in light mode...

You can see that "Done" and "Send" are missing.

This is a common problem with Facebook Messenger and the iOS Share Sheet.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Set the device to the dark mode
2. From inside the RealSelf app select any doctor, treatment, etc.
3. Select the share option
4. Select the Facebook Messenger option
5. Notice that "Done" and "Send" are not visible
6. Compare this to the light mode

Result: With the iOS device set to the dark mode, the "Done" and "Send " options on the Facebook Messenger UI is not visible when accessed via the share sheet by the RealSelf app

Expected: With the iOS device set to the dark mode, the "Done" and "Send" options on the Facebook Messenger UI should be visible when accessed via the share sheet by the Real Self app

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