Thursday, April 30, 2020

TikTok Account Creation and Twitter: Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions Links are Dead

iOS 13.4.1
TikTok app for iOS (version 15.9.1)
Date: 04/30/20


Here's an issue that similar to something that was happening over the summer.

TikTok allows users to use Twitter to create accounts. When the user selects the Twitter option to create an account, the user is take to a Twitter Oauth page.

Below, you'll see what it looks like at this very moment:

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download the TikTok app for iOS
2. Select the "me" option in bottom right
3. Select the "Sign Up" button
4. From the "Sign up for TikTok" page, select the "Continue with Twitter" option
5. From the "Authorize TikTok" twitter Oauth page, scroll down
6. Select either the "Privacy Policy" or "Terms and Conditions" link

Result: TikTok's Twitter Oauth page has two dead links: Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions

Expected: The Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions links on the Twitter Oauth page should link to TikTok's pages

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