Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Niche app for iOS: Backing out of in-app Facebook/Twitter share options results in lingering animation

iOS 13.4.1
Niche colleges app for iOS (version 2.6.0)
Date: 04/29/20


Here's a minor complaint with the Niche app for iOS.

Once again, this is easier to show than to describe, but I will try to brief summarize.

Once of the first things I noticed was the lack of sharing options - I basically couldn't find a way to activate the iOS share sheet. There are some options to share things like articles from inside the app using Facebook and Twitter share options.

I tend not to like these options for a number of reasons.

One of the biggest reasons is this:

If a user backs out of these options (which is what I always do when I am sent to the Safari Mobile Twitter/Facebook circle of death) the app simply hangs forever with an animation swirling on the screen. The user can get out of this, but tapping the home or back arrows. But you're still stuck staring at an animation on screen that makes the user think that the app is doing something.

Always a pet peeve of mine with any app.

99% of users equate an animation like this with the app actually doing something that you need to wait through!

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download the Niche app for iOS
2. Type "Skip"
3. Select some option that's displayed on the landing page
4. Select the side bar and select something like "College Guidance"
5. Select something like "Your No-Nonsense, No-Stress Guide to the FAFSA"
6. Select either the Facebook or Twitter share options
7. Sit and watch the animation

Result: Backing out of the in-app Facebook or Twitter share options results in animation remaining on screen

Expected: Backing out of Facebook or Twitter sharing shouldn't result in an intrusive animation on screen

Head to an article like this, under "College Guidance"....

Select either of these options...

Scratch your head as to why the Twitter app on the phone wasn't opened...

After I have backed out, I see swirling animation on screen.

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