Monday, April 20, 2020

Notion app for iOS: Open in Mobile App button doesn't work with some browsers

iOS 13.4.1
Notion app for iOS (version 1.4.14)
Date: 04/20/20


Here's a minor problem that I noticed today with the Notion app for iOS.

There's a couple different areas of the app which allow the user to send out links to things like Workspaces.

When these links are opened using a mobile web browser on an iOS device, the user will see an option to "Open in Mobile App" - which opens the Notion app if it is installed on the user's device.

This is what the button looks like, when accessed via links:

With the Notion app installed on my iOS device, this link works with Safari, Chrome, Edge and Firefox.

This link does NOT work for me with other browsers such as the DuckDuckGo, Cake, and Opera.

I am guessing that you need to install a confirmation pop-up for these browsers?

Here's a video of what I am seeing:

Steps to Reproduce:

1. With Notion installed on your iOS device copy a link like:
2. Open the link using either the DuckDuckGo, Cake or Opera browsers
3. Click on the "Open in Mobile App" link

Result: The "Open in Mobile App" link doesn't work with the DuckDuckGo, Cake or Opera browsers

Expected: The "Open in Mobile App" link should work with the DuckDuckGo, Cake or Opera browsers

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