Monday, April 20, 2020

Joom app for iOS: Share sheet and Facebook Messenger - FB Messenger UI not displaying correctly with the device set to dark mode

iOS 13.4.1
Joom app for iOS (version 2.33.2)
Date: 04/20/20


Yet another app that has a problem with how it displays the Facebook Messenger sharing UI in the share sheet.

This time the app is called Joom. The Joom app only has this problem when the iOS device is set to dark mode. While Joom doesn't support dark mode, it shouldn't display the FB Messenger like this:

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Set the iOS device to dark mode
2. Download and launch the Joom app
3. Select any product listed in the Joom app
4. Share any product/activate the share sheet
5. Select the Facebook Messenger option
6. Note Facebook Messenger UI has a discolored bar at the top

Result: With the iOS device set to the dark mode, the Joom app displays the Facebook Messenger pop-up UI incorrectly

Expected: The Joom app for iOS should display the Facebook Messenger UI accessible via the share sheet correctly - there shouldn't be the discolored bar at the top of the pop-up

Select any product listed in the Joom app. Then select this option in the upper right...

Select the "Share post" option...

If the device is set to the dark mode, the Joom app doesn't display the Facebook Messenger UI correctly. Check out the white bar.

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