Sunday, April 5, 2020

Amazon Music app for iOS: Light Mode: The "Done" and "Edit" options are not visible on the additional Apps section of the share sheet

iOS 13.4
Amazon Music app for iOS (version 9.7.1)
Date: 04/05/20


Minor problem with the current (9.7.1) version of the Amazon Music app for iOS and the share sheet.

On the additional Apps page, there are two options at the top of the menu. One is "Done" and the other is "Edit."

If the iOS device is set to the light mode these two options are not visible.

This is easier to show than to describe, so please take a look at these screenshots:

With the iOS device set to the light mode, the "Done" and "Edit" options in this area of the share sheet are just not visible.

With the device set to the dark mode, the "Done" and "Edit" options are visible.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. With the iOS device set to the light mode, launch the Amazon Music app for iOS
2. Select any song
3. Select the share option
4. From the share sheet, select the "... More" option
5. Note that "Done" and "Edit" are not visible

Result: The "Done" and "Edit" options are not visible on the Apps page if the iOS device is set to the light mode

Expected: The "Done" and "Edit" options should always be visible

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