Monday, April 13, 2020

Scrubz app for iOS: Easy way to crash the app after declining access to the camera and selecting the VIDEO option

iOS 13.4.1
Scrubz app for iOS (version 1.8)
Date: 04/12/20


Here's an easy to reproduce crash with an app called Scrubz for iOS.

Here's a video of the problem:

 This is a crash that i've seen more than once over the years. If you decline access to the camera, the camera UI still pops up. Some apps (certainly not the majority) do this.

However, if the app still displays a video option at this point, select the video option crashes the app.

After declining camera access to the app, and then navigating to this screen, the app will always crash after the user taps the "VIDEO" option.

Here's part of the crash dump...

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download and launch the Scrubz app
2. Select create account
3. Tap the profile picture option
4. Select camera - decline camera access
5. From the black camera screen, tap on "VIDEO"

Result: The app will crash if the user denies camera access, then opens up the camera UI and selects "VIDEO"

Expected: The app shouldn't crash

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