Monday, March 10, 2025

Pinterest app for iOS: Dead Link on "You're using Pinterest on iOS 14+" page

 iOS 18.3.1

Pinterest app for iOS (version 13.8.1)



There's a dead link on the "You're using Pinterest on iOS 14+" page. This explanation screen has a "learn more here" section that should take the user to additional information. 

Nothing happens when "here" is selected - this is a dead link. 

Take a look:

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download and launch the Pinterest app for iOS (version 13.8.1)

2. Advance through account creation to the "You're using Pinterest on iOS 14+" screen 

3. Select the "more" option from "Learn more here."

Result: There is a dead link on the "You're using Pinterest on iOS 14+" explanation screen 

Expected: There should not be a dead link on the "You're using Pinterest on iOS 14+" screen 

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Credit Union of Colorado app for iOS: "Developer's Privacy Policy" and "Privacy Policy" links lead to a 404 "Page Not Found"

 iOS 18.3.1

Credit Union of Colorado app for iOS (version 10.00.97)



The "Developer's Privacy Policy" and "Privacy Policy" links in the Credit Union of Colorado Apple App Store detail page lead to a 404 Page Not Found. 

This is the link:


Steps to Reproduce:

1. Head to the Credit Union of Colorado app for iOS listing in the Apple App Store

2. Click on the "Developer's Privacy Policy" or "Privacy Policy" links

Result: The "Developer's Privacy Policy" and "Privacy Policy" links in the Credit Union of Colorado Apple App Store detail page lead to a 

Expected: The "Developer's Privacy Policy" and "Privacy Policy" links on the Credit Union of Colorado Apple App Store detail page 

Head to the Credit Union of Colorado detail page in the Apple App Store. 

Click on the "developer's privacy policy" link.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Recs: Places Made Simple app for iOS: "Developer's Privacy Policy" and "Privacy Policy" links lead to a time-out and 404 error pages

 iOS 18.3.1

Recs: Places Made Simple app for iOS (version 4.2.9)



There's a problem with the Privacy Policy links on the Recs: Places Made Simple app's detail page in the Apple App Store. 

Both the "Privacy Policy" and "Developer's Privacy Policy" links lead to 404 "Page not found" error message or to a timeout error. 

In short: these links aren't working when they should be.

Here's an archive of the privacy policy link leading to a 404:

Here's a screenshot of that page:

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Head to the Recs: Places Made Simple detail page in the Apple App Store
2. Click on the Privacy Policy link
3. Click on the Developer's Privacy Policy link

Result: the privacy policy links on the detail page in the Apple App Store for the Recs: Places Made Simple app are not working - one leads to a time-out error page and one leads to a 404 error message 

Expected: privacy policy links in the Apple App store should always work 

WOM: Restaurant Discovery app for iOS: Google OAuth Consent Screen: Incorrect App Name of

 iOS 18.3.1

WOM: Restaurant Discovery app for iOS (version 2.4.0)



The WOM: Restaurant Discovery app for iOS has a problem. The WOM: Restaurant Discovery app has a Google OAuth screen. 

Unfortunately, on this Google OAuth consent screen, the app name is incorrect. Instead of displaying an app name appropriate to the app, an app name of: "" appears.

Here's a screenshot of how it currently appears:

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download and launch the WOM: Restaurant Discovery app for iOS
2. Select the app icon in the upper right of the screen
3. Select "Sign Up"
4. From the "Sign Up" pop-up menu, select "Google"
5. On the Google Sign in screen, note the app name of: ""

Result: The Google OAuth consent screen displayed by the WOM: Restaurant Discovery app displays an app name of: ""

Expected: An app name of "" isn't user friendly and doesn't provide relevant information to the end user

Select the "Sign Up" option...

Select the "Google" option...

Inaccurate app name of: ""