Thursday, March 12, 2020

Badi app for iOS: Share Sheet - Facebook Messenger sharing - no link is generated from FB Messenger sharing of a listing

iOS 13.3.1
Badi app for iOS (version 5.49.0)
Date: 03/12/20


Minor bug with the Badi app for iOS. If the user shares a listing using the Facebook Messenger option accessible via the iOS share sheet, there is no active link created.

Please take a look at the following screenshot:

No link back to the app - as you can see in this message that was sent via Facebook Messenger.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download and launch the Badi app for iOS (version 5.49.0)
2. Sign in with an account
3. Select any listing in the app
4. Select the share option
5. From the share sheet, select the Facebook Messenger option
6. Send the listing to anyone using Facebook Messenger
7. Note the lack of a working link

Result: There is no active link to listings generated when the user shares a listing in the app using Facebook Messenger - as accessed via the share sheet

Expected: There should always be an active link when someone shares a Badi listing using Facebook Messenger

Launch the Badi app, and sign with an account...

Choose a city...

Choose any listing in the app...

Select the Facebook Messenger option from the share sheet...

Note that there does not appear to be any link generated for the listing...

No link is sent.

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