Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Likewise app for iOS: Share sheet option on Apps page freezes apps

iOS 13.4
Likewise app for iOS (version 7.8)
Date: 03/25/20


This looks to be a somewhat serious problem related to the Likewise app that has just started happening with the iOS 13.4 update.

I've been using Likewise for more than six months now, and I like the app. Once a user has Likewise downloaded on their device, a Likewise option appears in the iOS share sheet.

The Likewise option appears on my device in the "Suggestions" area for apps in the iOS share sheet. This is where and how I see this option...

Head to the Apps area of the iOS share sheet. This is from a Pinterest posting.

As you can see, there is a Likewise option.

The problem is that now, with iOS 13.4, the app just seems to freeze. Previously, there was either an option to share something to Likewise, or an error message.

Here's a video of the freeze:

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Have Likewise on your device, along with an active account
2. Open any other app that has a share option (such as Pinterest)
3. Open up the share sheet
4. From the Apps page, scroll down to "Suggestions"
5. Select the Likewise option

Result: Selecting the Likewise option in the Apps portion of the iOS share sheet now seems to freeze apps - no error message - no share option

Expected: Selecting the Likewise option in the Apps portion of the iOS share sheet should not freeze any app!

Open an app like Pinterest, and select the share option...

Open up the share sheet "More apps" option...

Select the "... More" option...

Scroll down to Suggestions...

Select the "Likewise" option - it freezes the app

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