Monday, September 4, 2017

RealSelf - Deny location access to app results in nothing loading on "What would you like to learn about?" screen

RealSelf app for iOS (version 3.13.0 20170830.0)
Date: 09/04/2017


On the “What would you like to learn about?” Treatment Goal page, nothing ever seems to load if the user declines to give the app location permission.

After choosing a body part, then selecting something specific to learn about, the app will just load forever if the user declines to give the app location permission.

I’ve gotten this bug to produce on both the iPhone and the iPad with newly created production accounts.

This is easier to show than to describe, so please see the attached screenshots.

Steps to reproduce:

1.     Download the RealSelf app from the app store
2.     Launch the app
3.     Select “I’m new”
4.     Create a new account, select “Sign up”
5.     From the “What would you like to improve?” – Build Your Feed page, select “Whole Face”
6.     Select “Next”
7.     On the “What would you like to learn about?” page, select any option (“Pin your ears back”)
8.     Select “Next”
9.     From the “Allow “RealSelf” to access your location while you use the app?” prompt, select “Don’t Allow”

Result: Selecting “Don’t Allow” from the location prompt on the “What would you like to learn about?” option screen results in the app constantly loading

Expected: User should be able to decline location and have options appear – app should not constantly load

Download the RealSelf app from the app store...

Select "I'm New" to create a new account...

Enter in valid credential information, then select "Sign up"...

Select any option on the "What would you like to improve?" page, then select "Next"...

Select any option on the "What would you like to learn about?" page, then select "Next"

Select "Don't Allow" from the location prompt...

The app does this forever.