Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Farmish app for iOS: Typo on the Password Reset option

 iOS 15.4.1

Farmish app for iOS 

Date: 05/10/2022


There's a minor typo on the password reset user interface:

Password is misspelled. 

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Launch the Farmish app

2. Select the "Forgot password?" option 

3. Note that password is misspelled

Result: Minor typo on the password reset user interface - the word "password is misspelled 

Expected: No typo 

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Zenly app for iOS: Dismissing social media invites shows invite was successfully shared

 iOS: 15.4.1

Zenly app for iOS (version 5.0.3)

Date: 05/04/2022

There's an odd bug with the social media sharing options that are accessible after adding a friend by phone number. 

This is easier to show than to describe, so please take a look at the screenshots below.

After entering in a phone number on the "add by phone number" page, the user is presented with this screen:

The user can then activate any one of these options, such as Messenger:

If the user exits out of this prompt (without sending any link).....

This message appears. This is misleading as the user DID NOT send out a request. 

I've read before about how this was sometimes an issue with Facebook Messenger. This also happens with Telegram. 

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Create an account 

2. Select the gearbox settings option 

3. Select "account"

4. From the account screen, select "friends"

5. From the "manage your friends" screen select "add friends"

6. From the "add friends" screen select "by phone number"

7. Enter in a phone number 

8. Cancel out of the text

9. Select any social media option on the "choose an app to send your invite" screen

10. Open and close any option WITHOUT sending the link

Result: A success message appears after the user closes out app options to share a link

Expected: A success message should never appear if the user cancels out of sending a message 

Havenly app for iOS: The AirDrop icon is not displaying in the iOS Share Sheet

 iOS 15.4.1

Havenly app for iOS (version 6.0.14)

Date: 05/04/22

The AirDrop icon is missing from the iOS Share Sheet when it is accessed from the Havenly app.

Take a look:

As you can see, the AirDrop icon is missing.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Launch the Havenly app and create an account

2. Head to any product in the app that can be shared 

3. Activate the iOS share sheet

4. Look for the missing AirDrop icon 

Result: Missing AirDrop icon with the share sheet when accessed via the Havenly app

Expected: AirDrop icon should always appear 

This is a problem that I have seen on two other occasions