Saturday, May 29, 2021

Poparazzi app for iOS: User Restriction of camera roll access is not respected

 iOS 14.6 on an iPhone 8

Poparazzi app for iOS (version 1.0.6)

Date: 05/29/2021


There's a problem with the Poparazzi app and a camera roll permission prompt. 

After first entering into the app, after account creation, the user is left on a black screen that looks like this:

The user has an option to select the square that is indicated by the arrow. This is album access option. This option brings up a permission prompt to the camera roll...

The user is presented with a permissions prompt about access to the camera roll. If the user selects "Don't Allow"....

Nothing happens! The app still has access to the camera roll! I thought that the new permissions prompts were supposed to specifically handle this functionality better. 

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Launch the app
2. Create an account
3. From the landing screen, select the album icon
4. From the "Would like to access your photos" prompt, select "Don't Allow"

Result: The Poparazzi app has access to the iOS camera roll even after the user specifically selects "Don't Allow" from the prompt

Expected: Not this! This prompt can be more specific