Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Craft - Docs and Notes Editor app for iOS: Awkward Error Messaging after Cancelling Out Apple Sign-In During Account Creation

 iOS 14.4.2

Craft - Docs and Notes Editor app for iOS (version 1.5.4)

Date: 04/27/21


There is a less than user-friendly error message that is displayed by the Craft app during account creation. This error message appears when the user cancels out of creating an account using the Apple Sign-in option.

Take a look at the error message that is displayed:

Not the most user-friendly error messaging. 

The error message reads: "Apple did not authorize the sign-in. (IntroViewController/526)"

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download and launch the app
2. From the "Welcome to Craft!" landing page, select "Get Started"
3. From the "Let's get started!" page, select the "Continue with Apple" option 
4. From the "Sign In" pop-up select "Cancel"

Result: Canceling out of the passcode confirmation pop-up results in a less than user-friendly error message

Expected: The "Apple did not authorize the sign-in. (IntroViewController/526)" error message should be amended to something more user-friendly 

I've seen this before with another app called Sole Collector