Monday, June 24, 2024

Costway app for iOS: App Store Links Lead to Mobile Website 404 Pages

 iOS 17.5.1

Apple App Store listing for the Costway app for iOS (version 5.3.3) 



Here's a problem with links that is specific to the Apple App Store listing for an app called Costway.

While using an iPhone, all of the links displayed in the Costway app's Apple App Store listing link to 404 pages. The links are redirecting the user to a mobile URL and to a 404. 

Head to the Costway App Store page. Scroll down...

Select the "developer's privacy policy" option...

There is not privacy policy to be found. If you look closer at the URL...

The URL ( is to a 404 error page. It should lead to the correct ( location. 

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Using an iPhone, head to the Apple App Store page for the Costway app 

2. Scroll down and select "developer's privacy policy"

3. Land on a 404 page

Result: The links on the Costway app's Apple App Store listing all seem to lead to 404 pages. This is specific to accessing these links in the App Store while using an iPhone  

Expected: the "developer's privacy policy" and "App Support" and "Privacy Policy" links on the Costway app's Apple App Store listing should always lead to correct pages 

Seen video app for iOS: Terms and Privacy Policy Links lead to Blank Pages

 iOS 17.5.1

Seen video app for iOS (version 1.7.13)



With the new Seen video app there is a problem: the "terms" and "privacy policy" links inside of the app lead to blank screens. 

The "terms" and "privacy policy" links inside of the app are not leading to working ("readable") terms of service or privacy policies. 

User becomes stranded on a blank screen...

You can also see this problem with the app store listing for the Seen app. The "developer's privacy policy" and "App Support" and "Privacy Policy" links lead to blank pages.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download the Seen video app for iOS

2. Launch the app, skip through the intro video 

3. From the phone number entry screen, select either "terms" or "privacy policy"

Result: The "Terms" and "Privacy Policy" links inside of the Seen video app do not link to readable Terms of Service or Privacy Policies 

Expected: All "Terms" and "Privacy Policy" links inside of the Seen video app (and in the App Store listing) should lead to readable information. User should not be left stranded on unresponsive pages 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

RSBN - Right Side Broadcasting Network app for iOS: Privacy Policy and Terms of Service links do not lead to Privacy Policies or TOS pages

 iOS 17.5.1

Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) app for iOS (version 7.0)

Date: 6/23/2024

The "developer's privacy policy" link in the app store leads to: 

A landing page for a company called Backlight. 

In both the app store listing and inside of the app, the "Terms of Service" and "Privacy Policy" links do not lead to readable terms or service or actual privacy policies. 

Steps to Reproduce (inside app):

1. Download and launch the RSBN app for iOS
2. Launch the app and select the settings option (upper right in app)
3. Select the "Create Account or Log In" option 
4. From the "REGISTER FOR A FREE ACCOUNT" page, select "Terms or Service" or "Privacy Policy"

Result: the "Terms of Service" and "Privacy Policy" links do NOT link either Terms of Service or Privacy Policies

Expected: the "Terms of Service" and "Privacy Policy" links inside of the RSBN iOS app should lead to actual terms of services and privacy policies 

Friday, June 21, 2024

LC Waikiki RS app for iOS: Facebook Sharing Is Disabled From In-App Share Sheet

 iOS 17.5.1

LC Waikiki RC app for iOS (version 1.0.19)

Date: 6/21/2024


There is a Facebook sharing bug with the Serbian version of the LC Waikiki app for iOS. Inside of the app, users can select items of clothing.

Like most clothing retailer apps, there is an option to share each item of clothing. 

Unusually, there is an in-app share option that is displayed when the user goes to share an item. That in-app share sheet looks like this:

Once you select the share option from any item, an in-app share sheet is activated...

The Facebook sharing option does not work. If the user selects "more" and activates the iOS share sheet, the Facebook sharing option works then. 

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download and launch the LC Waikiki RC app for iOS

2. Head to any item of clothing 

3. Activate the sharing option 

4. From the "Share Product" sharing sheet, press the faded Facebook icon 

Result: the Facebook sharing featuring inside of the LC Waikiki RC app for iOS is not operating - pressing the option from the in-app share sheet to does activate the Facebook sharing process 

Expected: the Facebook sharing option from inside of the LC Waikiki RC app should operate and should share an item of clothing to Facebook 

Monday, June 17, 2024

S'hail app for iOS: App Store - Privacy Policy Link Leads to a 404 Error Message

 iOS 17.5.1

Date: June 17th, 2024

S'hail app for iOS (Version 7.0.5)


Minor problem with the listing for the S'hail app for iOS in the app store. The "Privacy Policy" link leads to a 404 error message. 

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Head to the S'hail listing in the Apple App Store

2. Scroll down and click on "developer's privacy policy"

Result: the "developer's privacy policy" link on the Apple App Store listing for the S'hail app leads to 404 page

Expected: the "developer's privacy policy" link on the Apple App Store listing for the S'hail app should always take the user to a readable privacy policy 

Visit the S'hail app store listing...

Select the "developer's privacy policy" link...

The Privacy Policy leads to a 404 page

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Caucasian Knot (Кавказский узел) app for iOS: Share Option Doesn't Share - iOS Share Sheet Not Activated

 iOS 17.5.1

Caucasian Knot (Кавказский узел) app for iOS: (Version 2.8.0)

Date: June 13th, 2024


Here's an odd issue that I do not believe that I have ever seen with an iOS app. The share function inside of the Caucasian Knot app for iOS does not work. If you haven't read the Caucasian Knot's news coverage of the Caucasian region, you should give it a read. 

The arrow in this screenshot is pointing at the inactive share option inside of the Caucasian Knot app for iOS.

This share sheet is not functioning.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download the Caucasian Knot app for iOS.
2. Select any article. 
3. Click on the share option.

Result: The share option inside of the Caucasian Knot app for iOS is not working - the iOS Share sheet is not activated by pressing this option

Expected: The share option inside of the Caucasian Knot app for iOS should work - when pressed the iOS share sheet should be activated

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Dollar Tree app for iOS: Facebook Link Inside of App Takes User To Content Not Available Error Message

 iOS 17.5.1

Dollar Tree app for iOS (version 1.2.0)

Date: 06/08/2024


There is a minor issue with the Dollar Tree app for iOS. The Facebook link inside of the app does not lead to Dollar Tree's official Facebook account. It instead leads to this:

Dollar Tree - Facebook Error

Here's the link the user becomes stranded on:

The Instagram/Twitter/TikTok/Pintrest links all work. The Facebook link does not.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download the Dollar Tree iOS app 

2. Click on "... More"

3. Scroll down to the Facebook icon

Result: The Facebook link inside of the Dollar Tree app for iOS does not take the user to an actual Dollar Tree Facebook account - it instead takes the user to a "This content isn't available right now" error message

Expected: There should be a working link to Dollar Tree's Facebook page (if one exists) - there should not be a link to an error message from inside of the app 

Dollar Tree Facebook Link

From the "... More" area of the app, scroll down to the Facebook icon and select it...

"Content isn't available right now" error message.