Saturday, June 8, 2024

Dollar Tree app for iOS: Facebook Link Inside of App Takes User To Content Not Available Error Message

 iOS 17.5.1

Dollar Tree app for iOS (version 1.2.0)

Date: 06/08/2024


There is a minor issue with the Dollar Tree app for iOS. The Facebook link inside of the app does not lead to Dollar Tree's official Facebook account. It instead leads to this:

Dollar Tree - Facebook Error

Here's the link the user becomes stranded on:

The Instagram/Twitter/TikTok/Pintrest links all work. The Facebook link does not.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Download the Dollar Tree iOS app 

2. Click on "... More"

3. Scroll down to the Facebook icon

Result: The Facebook link inside of the Dollar Tree app for iOS does not take the user to an actual Dollar Tree Facebook account - it instead takes the user to a "This content isn't available right now" error message

Expected: There should be a working link to Dollar Tree's Facebook page (if one exists) - there should not be a link to an error message from inside of the app 

Dollar Tree Facebook Link

From the "... More" area of the app, scroll down to the Facebook icon and select it...

"Content isn't available right now" error message. 

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